समीक्षा /हमारी राय

Corona Self-Isolation Learning: COVID-19 to Post Corona World

When there is a line to Death, Nothing is ultimate than that.

COVID-19 is not completely a blunder for humanity but an eye-opener to the survival !!!

Today, we are living in so fragile world that could be smashed into baren pieces of land and imagine nowhere of human existence. Nuclear incidences of Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Chernobyl had proven that we as human beings are still incapable of controlling our limited version of science.

Learning from COVID Corona

Corona is not only the next chapter of human incapability but also a menacing red warning from Nature to us.

This warning is also essential for the continuity of the human race.

Unfortunately, we got a disease that suited us….

Learning from COVID Corona

  • We no longer value health, so we got CORONA to realize we have to deal with our health!
  • We no longer value nature around us, so we have CORONA that allows us to spend some time in nature.
  • We have forgotten to live as a family, so we got CORONA that locked us in our homes to learn how to live as a family again.
  • We no longer respect the elderly, so we got CORONA that reminds us of their weakness.
  • We thought we could buy everything at malls, so we got CORONA to realise that happiness cannot be bought.
  • We dealt with appearance, so we got a face-covering illness CORONA to realize that true beauty is not there.
  • We thought we were the masters of the planet, so we got CORONA to appease us with this invisible little pathogen.

Corona has brought with it a wave of negative outcomes, disastrous illness, and death, but it also highlighted some important life lessons.

COVID-19 (Corona) has taught us…


It was, is and will be the only principle not only on this earth but for the entire universe.

Health should be a priority for anyone no matter how rich you are, you just can’t buy health. Today we are facing corona tomorrow might be something else. We are responsible for our own health. If we are at optimum health then no virus/bacteria/fungi or anything can weaken us.

  • Stay focused on good hygiene. You can never go wrong with that one. Wash your hands, sanitize, keep surfaces clean. Keep your homes and surroundings clean. Use a mask when you have a cold or cough. Sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it.

CORONA VIRUS 2019 tracker

  • Have to leave the junk foods, junk habits, junk schedules, junk ideas in our minds, junk in our thought processes, junk in our understandings, junk in our lives.
  • Complete cleanness can prevent the germination of microbes that tends to spread disease. The sense of ownership and pride that makes us keep our homes clean should extend to our entire suburbs, cities, neighborhoods.


Public spitting is a punishment in India but, for the first time, the fear of coronavirus is challenging it frontally. This could be a breakthrough moment in public health. It has been proven, time and again, how spitting spreads TB and now we even know how coronavirus droplets, from spitting and coughing, can infect people.

Therefore, leveraging on this juncture point, the government should conduct an all-out campaign against spitting. People have begun to wear masks and that acts as a spit inhibitor.

The likelihood of catching coronavirus has led to a surge in the purchase of masks and a flourishing black market of this facial accessory has also grown. Therefore, the chances are that masks will continue to rise in popularity and all of us will end up healthier as a consequence.

We cannot run away from the challenges that are coming our way. What we can do is adapt our behavior and make the most of it!

[button-brown url=”https://theindianphilosophy.com/7-habits-that-destroy-our-happiness/” target=”_self” position=”left”]7 Habits that destroy our HAPPINESS[/button-brown]


Seeing how the world is facing this outbreak and due to lockdown in all over the country, we all get some time to spend with our own self! We all are very busy working for the future and the majority of the actions are based on our future but one virus can rethink our actions and stops this world to rethink! Make something special from every day, even if it is only something small. It is even more important to seize the day now that life is so much less normal and probably more challenging for many people.

Future is important but not on the cost of your precious present moments


As a society, we’re only as safe as our most vulnerable people. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the elderly and those with health conditions are more vulnerable to the coronavirus and the poor are more vulnerable to its economic impact. We are taking care of each other both out of altruism and because we want to make sure that we’re safe.

Maybe we are separated by borders but seeing that whole world unite to fight with this outbreak is great! Not only scientists, police, and doctors, but each and every people from vegetable vendors to people cleaning streets all are part of life. It is time to understand and respect each and every worker irrespective of their fields.


It is workable and desirable and can help us avoid the most unnecessary commuting that contributes to pollution in our cities. Organizations need to build a trust-based relationship with their employees, rather than a relationship based on assumptions of slacking off. The technology exists now and can be leveraged to maximize team interaction even if remotely spread out, this should be taken advantage of by organizations.


Know what to do and what not to do in case of an outbreak. Keep calm and follow what the authorities are saying in case they’re recommending social isolation, self-quarantine in the event of exposure, public hygiene practices, and more. Also, push for accountability and information from authorities if it isn’t coming through. Speak up about what needs to be done, where you see the lacunae if you have first-hand information, and how you can help if you have the expertise.

Learning from COVID Corona

Corona Self-Isolation Learning:

7 Habits that destroy our HAPPINESS

Benefits of Meditation During CORONA pandemic


Dear Readers, I am an agent of change in the Digital world. I love to discuss every aspect of life from #FarmersLand to the #CryogenicMechanics of Mission #MangalYan with the people around us. Blogging is the next level of my enthusiasm for discussion. I started this blog to express my spirit of thoughts to you. It will be helpful for me to enhance my learning curves and beneficial for you with new factual and conceptual understanding of topics.

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