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Corona Self-Isolation Learning:Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation During CORONA pandemic

Better health and immunity and mental health can help us all get through this pandemic, and what better way to relax than Meditation?

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These are testing times, the CORONA is proving to be a global menace acting upon people’s health, countries’ economy, the poor’s misery, and the human-psyche. India has been fighting the deadly Coronavirus extremely well so far and its efforts have been lauded by many.

Benefits of Meditation During CORONA virus

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Time to appreciate their efforts:

The first thing that highlighted is that strong leadership matters a lot during such difficult times. A leadership that is decisive and can take hard, unpopular decisions in the national interest. It is important to understand that such hard decisions do not have the luxury of months of planning. These have to be taken, at very short notice, based on threat perceptions and learnings from the successes and failures of other nations.

This is a time to acknowledge the role of people who man essential services across the nation at the cost of putting their own health and lives in danger. Many remain away from their families in these grave times and may not even be in a position to look after them like other citizens.

As the world say, Social Distancing is the key to survival against this virus. The immunity of the body is the real treasure of the individual. Corona and self-isolation cannot be an easy task for everyone, practicing meditation during these tough times helps us get past these days.

Meditation promotes mindfulness through relaxation, focus, and awareness.

Benefits of Meditation

While many think meditation is only for the more learned and mentally agile people, But this is the tool for self-improvement and rehabilitation.


Below are the benefits of meditation:

Reduces Stress

Our day to day work from home activities is stressful indeed. The disease CORONA assisted us in making things worse. Now we are scared, clueless and worried. The level of cortisol in the body gears up.

The meditation lowers levels of cortisol, which finally causes decrease in stress. Reducing cortisol can decrease general stress, anxiety, and depression.

Helps Promote Emotional Health

Studies have shown that meditation improves self-image and self-believe.

We’ve all been stuck in a boring meeting and couldn’t wait to escape but had to just bored. Practicing meditation helps build inner strength and endurance to calmly get through these situations. It creates an ability to be in the moment no matter how it is.

Helps build characters like Empathy 

Empathy is a character we need more in this world than anything right now. People hoarding without thinking about people who aren’t able to shop physically or financially is heartbreaking.

Meditation has been shown to better your ability to relate to others. How? It improves your ability to empathize, and it hones your ability to pick up on cues indicating how others are feeling. Meditation also increases your emotional stability, making you less likely to be influenced by any negative people in your life.

Helps better sleep

Sleeping helps recharge our mind and our body. It helps us stay happy and healthy. Meditation just before going to sleep has a positive impact. It helps to calm our nerves and get us into a relaxed state before we sleep.

Ensuring a tight sleep is essential for maintaining productivity at work, and meditation can be the best solution we can offer ourselves for this.

Meditation helps build a healthy lifestyle

Starting the day with a 20-minute meditation practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system and releases energy-boosting endorphins that spring us up, making us more enthusiastic and fresh all day long.

Benefits on Physical Health – Blood Pressure, Pulmonary disease, Pre Menstrual symptoms, Alzheimer’s and other inflammatory diseases. Meditation improves physical health by boosting the immune functions, regulating hormonal discharge, and decreasing cellular inflammation.

By regulating the Sympathetic and Autonomic Nervous systems, meditation controls our responses during sudden stress encounters and prevents us from nervous breakdown and panic attacks.

Meditation stabilizes blood circulation in the body and regulates blood pressure, heartbeat, metabolism, and other essential biological functioning.

An experiment, with a technique called “relaxation response”, yielded similar results, with 2/3 of high blood pressure patients showing significant drops in blood pressure after 3 months of meditation, and, consequently, less need for medication. This is because of relaxation results in the formation of nitric oxide, which opens up your blood vessels.

Meditation and meditative prayer help treat premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms.

Results from recent research, ‘Brain, Behavior and Immunity‘, states that just 30 minutes of meditation a day not only reduces the sense of loneliness but also reduces the risk of heart disease, depression, Alzheimer’s and premature death.

Meditation and Pain

Pain is a perception in our mind. It has the ability to debilitate even the strongest people. Your perception of pain is connected to your state of mind, and it can be elevated in stressful conditions.

An additional study of meditation in patients with terminal diseases found meditation may help mitigate chronic pain at the end of life.

Meditation and Addictions

Regular, scheduled meditation time can help develop mental discipline which may help you break dependencies by increasing your self-control and awareness of triggers for addictive behaviors.

Meditation and Kids

Kids, during the lockdown, they must feel suffocated and restless. It’s the correct time to introduce them to meditation and help them build a habit.

  • Meditation is ideal for healthy brain functioning.
  • It boosts energy, helps sustain attention.
  • Improving attention span.
  • Reducing reaction time.
  • Fostering self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Developing social connections and peer relationships.
  • Enhancing academic goals and achievements.
  • Building empathy, care, and kindness for themselves and others.
  • Boosting motivation and mood, thereby promoting happiness.
  • Improving general health conditions and immunity.

Meditation at Workplace

Competitive cut-throat and emotionally and physically draining work, this often takes the happiness out of us and makes us unhealthy.

  • Just like any other aspect of life, meditation helps reduce work-induced stress by regulating the stress hormones and releasing toxins from the body.
  • Introducing group meditations at work can promote interpersonal connections among employees and supervisors, and foster empathy and acceptance in the team as a whole.
  • Meditation practices like Stress Relaxation therapy, are specially designed for professional executives to build decision-making & leadership skills.

Let’s make meditation a part of our life and stay healthy and happy.


Dear Readers, I am an agent of change in the Digital world. I love to discuss every aspect of life from #FarmersLand to the #CryogenicMechanics of Mission #MangalYan with the people around us. Blogging is the next level of my enthusiasm for discussion. I started this blog to express my spirit of thoughts to you. It will be helpful for me to enhance my learning curves and beneficial for you with new factual and conceptual understanding of topics.

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